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Native Plants

Native plants belong here. They are well adapted to this specific region and thrive in the climate, geography, and soils that make up our local ecosystems and keep them healthy.


Non-native plants are from different regions, countries, and continents. While some were brought here accidentally, many were introduced intentionally for their ornamental or other characteristics. Non-native plants may become invasive, which means they spread and overtake our yards, farms, and natural lands at the expense of our native ecosystems and wallets!


Used in your landscape, native plants are easier to establish because they need less water, fertilizer, and chemicals to survive. Wildlife gardeners concerned about conservation and wildlife should strive toward incorporating native plantings in their spaces.


Native species flourish in their local habitats with minimal or no care, provide benefits to wildlife, and are beautiful in the landscape.


They thrive without help because they belong there!


Use native plants to restore a specific ecosystem value or function, such as wildlife habitat or water quality, along with artistically improving the landscape.

Because of these local adaptations, native plants are able to provide ecosystem services that benefit both you and your community including:


  • Provide food and habitat for 10 to 50 times as many native wildlife species compared to non-native plants.

  • Improve our water quality by holding soil in place with their roots and filtering out pollutants from our waterways.  

  • Provide jobs and economic benefits by reducing maintenance costs and providing renewable resource that supports forestry, recreation, and green agriculture.





Native wildflowers such as this lanceleaf coreopsis provide food for pollinators that play a critical role in the health of the natural ecosystem and in crop production.  These native plants also create beautiful, sustainable natural landscapes that do not require the maintenance of typical grass landscapes.

Photo Credit: Larry Weaner

Photo Credit: Scott Kreider – Courtesy of LandStudies, Inc.

Photo Credit: Brian West

Photo Credit: Scott Kreider – Courtesy of LandStudies, Inc.

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