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Rain Garden

A Rain Garden is a shallow depression that is designed to collect water runoff from a roof, sidewalk, driveway or other surface.


A rain garden is not complete unless it is planted with native plants, which help to soak up water and remove pollutants.


A Rain Garden helps the environment and you by:

  • Reducing the amount of watering and maintenance in your landscape.

  • Reducing stormwater runoff and nutrient pollution.

  • Reducing localized flooding and improving drainage.

  • Enhancing infiltration to reduce flooding and promote groundwater recharge.

  • Creating habitat for birds, bees, and other wildlife.


Rain Gardens provide a more natural approach to conventional stormwater management. A rain garden is most successful with native plants suited for both wet and dry conditions. This allows for a greater success rate of plants that thrive in the local climate. Consider installing a rain garden at your home or business to capture runoff and naturally treat the stormwater. Rain gardens offer a practical, beautiful way for individuals to contribute to our collective water quality efforts.

Photo Credit: LandStudies, Inc.

Photo Credit: LandStudies, Inc.

Photo: Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District

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